We can remember all too well the excitement and frustrations associated with the search for that perfect puppy. These are the questions we are asked most frequently:
When are there going to be puppies available?
We update our website when puppies are available or litters are planned. Please check there. Our litters are planned by commitment only.
What do you mean “by commitment only”?
Since longhairs are less well-known and fewer people are looking for them, we need to be sure that people are committed to taking a puppy before we do the breeding. We won’t do the breeding unless we have enough committed people on our waiting list.
Why so long between litters?
We breed only occasional litters, as do most quality small-scale kennels. Our interest is in having – and being able to provide – quality dogs. Finding and arranging to breed to top quality stud dogs can take a significant amount of time. We take this time to do it well.
How long is your waiting list?
Most people wait a year for a pup. As a rule we don’t have a waiting list much longer than the size of the litter expected, as this would not be fair to people waiting eagerly for puppies. We try to match every qualified puppy buyer up with the right pup, whether this is one of our own or by referral to another good breeder.
How much are the puppies?
Most quality purebred puppies from a reputable breeder cost a minimum of $2500. Older pups, because of the extra time and expense put into keeping and training them, are more. Top quality show/breeding pups are also more.
Isn’t this a lot of money for a puppy?
No, it is about average for a purebred pup of any breed. If you are quoted significantly less, (and/or offered a young puppy for immediate delivery) you are probably dealing with a less reputable puppy producer. Less reputable producers can still present an attractive website and professional looking promotional material; if you aren’t sure, ask other breeders or dog clubs in the same area – most of them are happy to share honest information about other breeders. (There are not enough litters on the ground at any one time for good breeders to be in competition with each other.)
Can I pay less for a puppy if I just want a pet, and don’t want the papers?
No, it is illegal to charge extra for registration papers, and illegal for CKC members to sell unregistered dogs. The cost of registration is a very small part of producing quality dogs.
When do you require a deposit?
We require a non-refundable deposit at the time the bitch is bred.
Do I get to pick my own puppy?
Each puppy is a unique individual. Although we encourage new owners to visit (by appointment) and get to know their puppies, we feel that we are in the best position to evaluate the pups and select the right home for each of them. Our reputation speaks well of our ability to match puppies with homes.
Do I have to spay/neuter my puppy?
Yes. Unless it was purchased for show/breeding purposes, there will be a Non-breeding Agreement registered with the CKC.
Why do you have a contract?
The contract not only protects both parties, it also protects the dog. It eliminates any misunderstanding by outlining the expectations and commitments on both sides in writing. It includes things like what happens if a puppy develops a genetic disease. For more information on contracts, please check out the document “Puppy Contracts Explained”.
Do I have to show the dog, or have it shown?
Only a very few of our top pups are sold under breeding/showing contracts, and their owners undertake to show the pups, or have them shown, as specified in those contracts. Otherwise, no, not unless you want to. All owners are encouraged to have fun with their dogs in or out of the show ring. There are a growing number of organized activities that you and your dog can be involved in, and Weimaraners excel at many of them.
What’s the best way to find a good breeder?
The best way is a referral from a breeder –either of Weims or another breed. Always choose breeders that are a member of their national club – if they are not a member you have to wonder if they really care about preserving the breed. Contact the club’s rescue coordinator – they can tell you if there are recommended breeders in your area. Also talk to someone from the local dog club. Word gets around about good and bad breeders of all breeds. If they don’t know a breeder themselves, they can usually find someone who knows. Don’t rely on a pretty website – it can be misleading. Talking to someone directly can often give you more information. Remember that you will be dealing with this person for 15 years.
When I’m talking to breeders, what should I ask?
Ask lots of questions – like how many litters have you had this year and in other years? If they are having more than a couple of litters a year, then be really cautious because they may not be considering the best interest of the breed as a whole. If they have a bunch of unsold puppies that they are trying to sell, be careful. Most good breeders try to have some homes lined up for their puppies before they breed. How many dogs does the breeder have in their home and what conditions do the dogs live in? Remember, Weims are not kennel dogs. Can you visit the dogs at the breeder’s house? How many litters do the females have before they are retired? – 2 times is average. At what age does the breeder start breeding the girls? – health checks can’t be done till they are 2yr so you shouldn’t breed them before that. What health checks do they get done on their breeding dogs?- For Weims, hips and eye checks are the minimum (if you have the parents registered names you can search for this information yourself). What kind of contract do they make you sign and can you live with it. Read it carefully.
Why should I buy from a breeder that has working titles on their dogs?
Working titles prove that the dog is trainable. The more working titles, the more trainable. Trainability is a trait that is passed on to puppies and they, in turn, will be easier to train. A good breeder that trains and titles their dogs, will also be able to tell you about how much “drive” the parents and individual puppies have. If you want to do a lot of hunting, agility or obedience then you want a dog with lots of drive. For a companion dog a high-drive dog may have too much energy.
What about “Blue” Weimaraners?
Weimaraner color is a dilute brown in various shades (silver, silver fawn, fawn etc.). Blues are a dilute black (black nose, black toenails). Much scientific research has been done on color inheritance in dogs which shows that Black is dominant to Brown. So the only way to get Blue Weimaraners is that someone at some point bred to a black dog. Blues are also a disqualification all over the world. Good Weim breeders don’t breed blues, ever.
At Greyghost Weimaraners, we love talking about our dogs, and would be happy to discuss the finer points of our dogs, our policies, our contracts and dog activities. E-mail can be the most convenient way to make contact, or you can reach us by phone in the evening (8-9 pm is a good time) or on weekends. If we don’t answer, keep trying – we are probably outside working with the dogs, playing with the dogs, hunting, training, at a dog-show or agility trial…….