Our Story
Greyghost Weimaraners is a small Canadian Kennel Club registered kennel that has been breeding Weimaraners for 30 years. We partner with Kim Good who lives in Alberta and has had Greyghost Weimaraners for 20 years.
We breed Weimaraners, and only Weimaraners, for health, temperament and conformation according to the Weimaraner standard to protect and preserve the breed. Our dogs are kept happy and busy doing number of activities, including hunting, obedience and agility trials. Our goal is to provide our puppy buyers with versatile dogs that will be loved, loyal and valued family members for many years.
There are concerns about inbreeding and genetic health issues in every breed of dog, and Weimaraners are no exception. Our breeding plan addresses these issues by keeping only the best bitches for breeding and carefully selecting stud dogs from unrelated but complementary bloodlines to sire our puppies. Some factors we consider include the temperament of each dog, each dog’s structure (conformation), and the ultimate goal of the breeding (e.g., to produce dogs that excel at sports, easy-going pets) all while considering the genetic diversity of the parents and resulting offspring.
With Weimaraners, we are able to use the world-wide Weimaraner Pedigree Database to determine the genetic diversity (Co-efficient of Inbreeding – COI) of both the parents and the offspring. A lower COI indicates more genetic diversity resulting in better health related outcomes. At Greyghost Weimaraners we strive to breed puppies with low COI for the health of the puppies and the breed in general. To do this, we seek out stud dogs for our moms from throughout North America and the world at considerable cost and logistics.
As part of our program, we have included long-haired Weimaraners, and have been very pleased with the results. The pups are healthy and have great temperaments, and the longer coats are a bonus in our cold climate
We breed only occasionally and spend as much time selecting new owners for our pups as we do sires. Matching the puppy’s drive and activity level to the new owner’s experience, lifestyle and personality ensures a harmonious relationship.
For more information on Weimaraners, check out our website, that of the Weimaraner Assoc. of Canada at www.weimaranercanada.org, the Weimaraner Club of America at www.weimclubamerica.org, and/or read one of the excellent breed books which should be available at or through your local library. If you think that a Weimaraner is the dog for you, please feel free to contact us for more information on our puppies and our breeding program and fill out the questionnaire on our website.